Using Authorizer with Hasura (opens in a new tab)
In this section you will learn how to integrate Authorizer (opens in a new tab) with your Hasura instance and have authorized GraphQL API ready for your application.
Step 1: Deploy Authorizer Instance
To integrate Authorizer with Hasura, you will need an Authorizer instance deployed on your infrastructure or 3rd party cloud services. You can deploy authorizer instance using following one click deployment options:
Infra provider | One-click link | Additional information |
---|---|---| | docs (opens in a new tab) | |
Heroku | docs (opens in a new tab) | |
Render | docs (opens in a new tab) |
You can also deploy Authorizer instance using
- Docker Image + Kubernetes (opens in a new tab)
- Kubernetes HelmChart
- Binanry (opens in a new tab)
- (opens in a new tab)
Note: If you are trying out with one click deployment options like railway then template is configured in a way that it will also deploy postgres + redis for you. But if you are going with other deployment options required environment variables are
. You can also configureREDIS_URL
to have persisted sessions. For more information check docs (opens in a new tab).
In case of Hasura, we need to have database type as postgres
/ mysql
or the one that is supported by Hasura and connect that database with Authorizer instance via Database Environment Variables.
Step 2: Configure Authorizer instance
You can configure authorizer instance by opening the URL or IP address of the deployed instance. Recommended way is to configure sub-domain for your authorizer instance example,
. You will see an authorizer dashboard where you can configure
- Social media logins
- JWT key & secrets
- User roles
- Whitelist domains
- Company information
- Features
- Access Token data
- SMTP server
- Webhooks
- Email templates
Also, you can invite the users and manage them from the dashboard itself.
Step 3: Setup Hasura Instance
- Signup on (opens in a new tab)
- Create a project
Step 4: Configure Database with Hasura Instance
Open the dashboard of Hasura cloud and navigate to your project
Click on
Launch Console
on top right corner -
Go to
section and connect to your databaseExample
Check the hasura docs (opens in a new tab) for more information.
Note: If you have used one click deployment option for authorizer you can get database URL from respective platform's env sections.
Step 5: Configure JWT token with Hasura
Open Authorizer Dashboard
Get the JWT Type and Secret / Public Key from
JWT Secrets
section -
Open the Hasura dashboard and navigate to your project
Open settings and go to
Env vars
section -
Add the following env variable to configure the JWT token
Note: In case of RSA and ECDSA JWT types only provide the public key in PEM encoded string format. You can get the JWT type and key from the authorizer dashboard under env variables section.
Check the hasura docs (opens in a new tab) for more information.
Step 6: Configure JWT token Authorization Script
In order for Hasura to authorize a user, JWT token needs to have specific keys, you can add those keys by modifying JWT token script in your Authorizer Dashboard.
function(user,tokenPayload) {
var data = tokenPayload;
data[''] = {
'x-hasura-default-role': tokenPayload.allowed_roles[0],
'x-hasura-allowed-roles': user.roles
return data;
Once user login they will get a id_token
in the response, this token should be used with Hasura queries as Authorization: Bearer ID_TOKEN
. This will help in making Authorized
You can configure access control for the various roles that your application needs from Hasura + Add / Update those roles from Authorizer dashboard
For more information on access control check Hasura docs (opens in a new tab)
You can also stitch Authorizer GraphQl Endpoint with Hasura Remote Schema, that way you can have single endpoint for all your GraphQL queries / mutations.