Deploy Authorizer on
This guide explains how to deploy a ready-to-use Authorizer instance on (opens in a new tab) is a platform for running full stack apps and databases close to your users. also provide custom domain configuration and free SSL using Let's Encrypt via the CLI.
To follow along, you need to complete the steps below:
A Fly account (opens in a new tab). If you don't have one, you can visit the link above and click on "Sign In" in the top right corner to log in either with your GitHub or email.
Deploy an Authorizer Instance
Deploy production ready Authorizer instance using (opens in a new tab) with Postgres and Redis for free.
Step 1: Login to
flyctl auth login
Step 2: Create app
Create new empty directory and move to this directory:
mkdir authorizer-fly
cd authorizer-fly
Create new app instance:
flyctl launch --no-deploy
Follow the wizard to set the application name, region, etc. You will find new file named fly.toml
Step 3: Setup Postgres instance provide free tier Postgres with limited resource. Consider to use larger Posgres instance when using at production. Read more details about Postgres at Fly here (opens in a new tab).
flyctl postgres create --password <YOUR_SECURE_DATABASE_PASSWORD>
Follow the wizard just like previous command. You will be given the option to provide a name, location, and configuration.
Choose Development
configuration to use free instance of Postgres.
To connecting the Postgres database with the app, we need to attach by using this command:
flyctl postgres attach <POSTGRES_APP_NAME>
Step 4: Setup Redis instance
To spin up a Redis instance, please follow this official documentation (opens in a new tab).
Step 5: Configure fly.toml
Add this part to fly.toml file:
image = "lakhansamani/authorizer:latest"
cmd = ["./build/server", "--database_type=postgres"]
private_network = true
auto_rollback = true
PORT = "8080"
Change internal_port to 8080 inside the [[services]] section just like this:
internal_port = 8080
This is a complete example fly.toml
file (don't forget to change the app
app = "authorizer"
kill_signal = "SIGINT"
kill_timeout = 5
processes = []
image = "lakhansamani/authorizer:latest"
cmd = ["./build/server", "--database_type=postgres"]
private_network = true
auto_rollback = true
PORT = "8080"
internal_port = 8080
processes = ["app"]
protocol = "tcp"
script_checks = []
type = "connections"
hard_limit = 25
soft_limit = 20
force_https = true
handlers = ["http"]
port = 80
handlers = ["tls", "http"]
port = 443
grace_period = "1s"
interval = "15s"
restart_limit = 0
timeout = "2s"
Step 6: Configure Authorizer Environment
flyctl secrets set \
ENV="production" \
DATABASE_TYPE="postgres" \
Don't forget to replace the values.
Refer to Environment Variables section to see all variables.
Step 7: Deploy
Finally, deploy the app by execute this command:
flyctl deploy
After the deployment process has been finish, check the application logs:
flyctl logs
That's all 🎉 you can start integrating Authorizer (opens in a new tab) in your frontend application.
Update Instance
Since we using lakhansamani/authorizer:latest
Docker image, to updating Authorizer on is easy.
You only need to redeploy the app using flyctl deploy
command inside the directory containing fly.toml
configuration file.
Custom Domain and SSL provide custom domain configuration and free SSL using Let's Encrypt via the CLI. To setup custom domain, please refer to this documentation (opens in a new tab).